Graduate School of Science and Engineering
GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Number of students to be admitted

General selection Adult selection/International student selection
Admission in October
Admission in April
Admission in October
Admission in October
Admission in April
Admission in October
Master's program
Few admissions available Few admissions available 39 Few admissions available

Few admissions available

Few admissions available Few admissions available
Doctoral Program Few admissions available 8 persons Few admissions available Few admissions available Few admissions available Few admissions available
  • * We are planning to establish a graduate school program based on a Graduate School-linked course, and the number of students to be admitted may change.

Test schedule

Examination venue: Utsunomiya Campus

Master's Program

■ Recommendation selection

Type Application period (Entry must arrive by deadline) Selection Test Date The announcement of results Deadline for Admission procedure
Phase I Monday, June 17, 2024
Until Thursday, July 4th
Thursday, July 11 July 18th (Thursday) Thursday, August 1st
Phase II Thursday, August 1, 2024
Until Friday, August 16th
Monday, September 2 Tuesday, September 10 September 18 (Wednesday)

■ General selection / adult selection / international student selection

  Application period
(Entry Must arrive on the deadline)
Test Day
Results Announcement
Deadline for Admission procedure
Admission time
Phase I 2024
Thursday, August 1st
Until Friday, August 16th
Monday, September 2 Tuesday, September 10 September 18 (Wednesday)
Enrollment in October 2024
Enrollment in April 2025
Phase II 2025
Monday, January 20
Until Friday, February 14th
Friday, February 28 Friday, March 7 Friday, March 14 Enrollment in April 2025
Enrollment in October 2025

Doctoral Program

■ General selection / adult selection / international student selection

  Application period
(Entry Must arrive on the deadline)
Test Day
Results Announcement
Deadline for Admission procedure
Admission time
1st 2024
Monday, June 17
Until Thursday, July 4th
Thursday, July 11 July 18th (Thursday) Thursday, August 1st Enrollment in October 2024
2nd 2024
Thursday, August 1st
Until Friday, August 16th
Monday, September 2 Tuesday, September 10 September 18 (Wednesday) Enrollment in October 2024
Enrollment in April 2025
3rd 2025
Monday, January 20
Until Friday, February 14th
Friday, February 28 Friday, March 7 Friday, March 14 Enrollment in April 2025
Enrollment in October 2025
  • * The application place and examination site are all on the Utsunomiya Campus.

Admission Info for 2024 is posted. Information for 2025 will be posted as soon as it is decided.

Master's Program

recommendation selection

Before applying, it is necessary to contact the faculty member who wishes to receive guidance and obtain acceptance consent. In addition, those who fall under any of the following (1) to (5) and meet the recommendation requirements.

  • (1) Those who have graduated from university or those who are expected to graduate by March 2024.
  • (2) Those who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or those who are expected to complete it by March 2024.
  • (3) After the date designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a specialized course designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the specialized training college course (limited to those that meet the standards set by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and that the term of study is four years or longer) Those who have completed or are expected to complete by March 2024.
  • (4) Those who have completed a 2-year advanced course at a college of technology or are expected to complete it by March 2024, and have been awarded a bachelor's degree in accordance with the provisions of Article 104, Paragraph 4 of the School Education Act. and those who are expected to be conferred a bachelor's degree by March 2024.
  • (5) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have graduated from the university at Graduate School of this university.

[Recommendation requirements]
Those who meet all of the following items.

  • (1) Those who have final grades or are expected to complete their academic achievements at the time of completion of the 3rd year have high academic performances in terms of GPA and meet the standards set in each field.
  • (2) Have taken an English test (TOEIC® TEST, TOEIC IP® TEST, TOEFL PBT® TEST, TOEFL iBT® TEST, IELTS® TEST, CASEC, etc.) on or after April 1, 2020.
  • (3) Those who have a desire to research and be recommended by the department head, or school head of the university.
  • (4) Those who have strong intentions to enter the university.

General selection

Before applying, it is necessary to contact the faculty member who wishes to receive guidance and obtain acceptance consent.

[October 2023 admission] Those who fall under any of the following (1) to (5).

  • (1) Those who have graduated from a university in Japan or those who are expected to graduate by September 2023.
  • (2) Those who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or those who are expected to complete it by September 2023.
  • (3) After the date designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a specialized course designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the specialized training college course (limited to those that meet the standards set by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and that the term of study is four years or longer) Those who have completed or are expected to complete by September 2023.
  • (4) Those who have completed a two-year course at a college of technology or are expected to complete it by September 2023, and have been awarded a bachelor's degree in accordance with the provisions of Article 104, Paragraph 4 of the School Education Act. and expected to be awarded by September 2023.
  • (5) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have graduated from the university at Graduate School of this university.

[April 2024 admission] Those who fall under any of the following (1) to (6)

  • (1) Those who have graduated from a university in Japan or those who are expected to graduate by March 2024.
  • (2) Those who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or those who are expected to complete it by March 2024.
  • (3) After the date designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a specialized course designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the specialized training college course (limited to those that meet the standards set by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and that the term of study is four years or longer) Those who have completed or are expected to complete by March 2024.
  • (4) Those who have completed a 2-year advanced course at a college of technology or are expected to complete it by March 2024, and have been awarded a bachelor's degree in accordance with the provisions of Article 104, Paragraph 4 of the School Education Act. and expected to be awarded by March 2024.
  • (5) Those who have been enrolled in the university for 3 years or more and who are recognized as having acquired the prescribed credits with excellent grades.
  • (6) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have graduated from the university at the Graduate School of this university.

[October 2024 admission] Those who fall under any of the following (1) to (5).

  • (1) Those who have graduated from a university in Japan or those who are expected to graduate by September 2024.
  • (2) Those who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or those who are expected to complete it by September 2024.
  • (3) After the date designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a specialized course designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the specialized training college course (limited to those that meet the standards set by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and that the term of study is four years or longer) Those who have completed or are expected to complete by September 2024.
  • (4) Those who have completed a two-year course at a college of technology or are expected to complete it by September 2024, and have been awarded a bachelor's degree in accordance with the provisions of Article 104, Paragraph 4 of the School Education Act. and expected to be awarded by September 2024.
  • (5) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have graduated from the university at Graduate School of this university.

Adult selection

Before applying, it is necessary to contact the faculty member who wishes to receive guidance and obtain acceptance consent. In addition, those who meet the following qualifications.

Those who have met the qualification for the general entrance examination of the master's program (master's program) of the Graduate School University and, in principle, have at least 2 years of experience for work (including housekeeping workers) from the time of graduation from university to the time of enrollment, or who are expected to have it.
In addition, based on the special exceptions to the educational methods stipulated in Article 14 of the Establishment Standards, learning and research activities outside of normal hours may be permitted when it is recognized that there is a special need for education in the Graduate School of our university. For details, please contact the Student Support Team before applying.

International student selection

Before applying, the applicant must contact the faculty member with whom they wish to seek guidance and obtain their consent for acceptance. After that, the applicant must have a nationality other than Japanese, have a status of residence to reside in Japan, or be expected to obtain a Student status of residence at the time of admission, and meet one of the following 1 or 2 criteria below:

  • (1) Those who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country, and
    [Enrollment in October 2023] Those who are expected to complete the course by September 2023.
    [Enrollment in April 2024] Those who are expected to complete the course by March 2024.
    [Enrollment in October 2024] Those who are expected to complete the course by September 2024.
  • (2) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have graduated from the university at the graduate Graduate School of this university.

Doctoral Program

General selection

Before applying, it is necessary to contact the faculty member who wishes to receive guidance and obtain acceptance consent. On top of that, those who fall under the following (1) to (4).

[October 2023 admission] Those who fall under any of the following (1) to (5).

  • (1) Those who have a master's degree, and those who are expected to complete the master's course (master's course) by September 2023.
  • (2) Those who have been awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree in a foreign country, and those who are expected to be awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree by September 2023.
  • (3) Person designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  • (4) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have a master's degree at the Graduate School of this university.

[April 2024 admission] Those who fall under any of the following (1) to (6)

  • (1) Those who have a master's degree, and those who are expected to complete the master's program by March 2024.
  • (2) Those who have been awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree in a foreign country, and those who are expected to be awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree by March 2024.
  • (3) Person designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  • (4) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have a master's degree at the Graduate School of this university.

[October 2024 admission] Those who fall under any of the following (1) to (5).

  • (1) Those who have a master's degree, and those who are expected to complete the master's program by September 2024.
  • (2) Those who have been awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree in a foreign country, and those who are expected to be awarded a degree equivalent to a master's degree by September 2024.
  • (3) Person designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  • (4) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have a master's degree at the Graduate School of this university.

Adult selection

It is necessary to contact the faculty member who wishes to be supervised and obtain acceptance before applying. On top of that, who fall under the following qualifications are admitted. 
Those who meet the qualification for the general entrance examination of the Graduate School Doctoral Program of the University and, in principle, have at least 2 years of experience for work (including housekeeping workers) from the time of graduation from university to the time of enrollment, or who are expected to have it.
 In addition, in the Graduate School of our university based on the special exceptions to the educational methods stipulated in Article 14 of the Establishment Standards, learning and research activities outside of normal hours may be permitted when it is recognized that there is a special need for education. For details, please contact the Student Support Team before applying.

International student selection

Before applying, the applicant must contact the faculty member with whom they wish to seek guidance and obtain their consent for acceptance. After that, the applicant must have a nationality other than Japanese, have a status of residence to reside in Japan, or be expected to obtain a Student status of residence at the time of admission, and meet one of the following 1 or 2 criteria below:

  • (1) Those who have a master's degree in school education in a foreign country and
    [October 2023 Enrollment] Those who are expected to complete the master's course by September 2023.
    [April 2024 Enrollment] Those who are expected to complete the first term of the doctoral course (master's course) by March 2024.
    [October 2024 Enrollment] Those who are expected to complete the master's course by September 2024.
  • (2) Those who are recognized as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have a master's degree at the Graduate School of this university.

Information for individual admission qualification examination

If you wish to request an individual review of your application qualifications, please visit the following page.

Information for individual admission qualification examination

Application documents

Master's degree program

Recommended entrance examination  General entrance examination
Entrance Examination for working adults  Entrance Examination for International Students

Doctoral degree program

General Entrance Examination Adult   Entrance Examination  International Student Entrance Examination

Entrance examination fee

35,000 yen

How to pay the entrance examination fee

■ Transfer from a financial institution
Please bring the application form and the transfer request form to the financial institution and make the transfer at the counter (excluding Japan Post Bank and the post office). Please receive the seal of the handling financial institution at the designated three places at the time of transfer. The handling period is from 3 days before the application start date (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) to the application deadline. Transfers cannnot be made from ATMs, PCs, mobile phones, etc.

■ Bank payment (ATM) via convenience store, Pay-easy, transfer from credit card, net banking
*Please note that this method cannot be used to transfer money for entrance examinations whose application period is from Monday, June 26, 2023 to Thursday, July 13, 2023.

  • (1) Prior application is required before payment. Please access the "Admissions Examination Fee Settlement Guidance" site, select the entrance examination type, and enter the examinee information. Please note that the payment confirmation email will not be sent if the email address is not entered when entering the examinee information.
    Entrance examination fee settlement guidance
  • (2) Please select the payment method for the examination fee. You can choose from credit cards, online banking, convenience stores, and ATMs (pay-easy ATMs). * In addition to the entrance examination fee, a payment fee of 1,100 yen will be charged for each case.
    [Handling period] From one week before the application start date to 16:30 on the application deadline

How to apply

■ When mailing (must arrive by the deadline)
Please put the application documents (applications, etc. must be stamped by a financial institution) in an envelope labeled "Graduate School Application Documents Enclosed" and send it by "registered mail" from the post office.
[Mailing Address] 1-1 Toyosatodai, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi Prefecture 320-8551
Teikyo University Utsunomiya Campus Graduate School Entrance Examination Student Support Team
Only documents that arrive within the application period will be accepted (must arrive by the deadline).

■ When bringing it to the university counter
Submit the application documents (the application documents must be stamped by a financial institution) in an envelope labeled "Graduate School Application Documents Enclosed". The examination slip will be mailed at a later date.
[Submit to] 1-1 Toyosatodai, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi Prefecture 320-8551
Teikyo University Utsunomiya Campus Graduate School Entrance Examination Student Support Team

[Reception Hours] Weekdays: 9:00 to 17:00 Saturdays: 9:00 to 12:00 * Sundays and holidays are not accepted.

Notes on Application

  1. If the application documents are incomplete, we do not accept them.
  2. The submitted application documents and entrance examination fee will not be returned except for the original Eiken score for any reason.
  3. After the application, we will not accept any changes to the contents for any reason.
  4. Even after completing the admission procedure, if you find something that is not true in the submitted documents, your admission may be revoked.
  5. Depending on the circumstances, the application procedure, enrollment selection method, etc. may be changed. In that case, we will contact you.
  6. As a general rule, examinees must consent to the acceptance of their desired academic advisor. Applicants from outside the university should contact the student support team of the university in advance to obtain acceptance.

Click here for admission guidelines
(Includes application qualifications, documents, examination subjects, and time of examination)