For any inquiries regarding Teikyo University, Teikyo University Graduate School, and Teikyo University Junior College, please use the contact information listed below.
Inquiries about Overseas Academic Agreements and Overseas Offices of the University
Teikyo University Global Initiative Office
Development, Planning, Management, and Result Analysis for Internationalization promotion
Overseas Academic Collaboration and Partnerships
Governance of Overseas Campuses
On and Off-Campus Collaboration in International Activities
Inquiries about Education, Research, Student Life, and Entrance Examinations for International Students
Hachioji Campus Office
Undergraduate School: Faculty of Economics (Department of Economics, International Economics, Business Administration, and Tourism Management), Faculty of Law, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Language Studies, Faculty of Education, and the Faculty of Medical Technology (Department of Sport and Medical Science, Sports Health Course and Top Athlete Course).
Graduate School: Graduate School of Economics (Division of Economics, and Management), Graduate School of Law, Graduate School of Liberal Arts, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Graduate School of Teacher Education, and the Graduate School of Medical Technology (Division of Sports and Health Sciences).
Junior College.
Japanese Language Education Center.
Utsunomiya Campus Office
Undergraduate School: Faculty of Economics (Department of Regional Economics), Faculty of Science and Engineering, and the Faculty of Medical Technology (Department of Judo Therapy).
Graduate School: Graduate School of Economics (Division of Regional Economics and Policy), Graduate School of Science and Engineering, and the Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology (Division of Judo Therapy).
Itabashi Campus Office
Undergraduate School: School of Medicine, Faculty of Pharma-Science, and the Faculty of Medical Technology (Department of Orthoptics, Nursing, Radiological Technology, Clinical Laboratory Science, and the Sport and Medical Science, Emergency Medical Technician Course).
Graduate Course of Midwifery.
Graduate School: Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Pharma-Science, Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology (Division of Orthoptics, Nursing, Clinical Radiology, Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Emergency Care), and the Graduate School of Public Health.
Fukuoka Campus Office
Undergraduate School: Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology.
Graduate School: Graduate School of Health Sciences.
For inquiries to the university, please refer to the following:
Sales offers are strictly prohibited.
For inquiries from enrolled students or parents of enrolled students, please contact the corresponding campus directly by phone or at the reception desk.
We will not disclose personal information of enrolled students, graduates, faculty members, and/or staff members.
We will not respond to any inquiries other than those related to Teikyo University.
We may not respond to inquiries from unknown or unclear sources.