研究とSDGsのつながりを知る。TEIKYO SDGs Report 帝京大学の先生たちが行っている研究活動内容がどのようにSDGsとつながっているのかをひも解きます。


Senior Assistant Professor Faculty of Economics, Teikyo University

Lisa Nagai


Specializes in environmental history, ecological history, and northeastern Chinese history, and studied abroad in China during Graduate School. He is well versed in the history of the forest business in the northeastern region of China, and researches the historical background from the current state of the economy and resources. After working as a specially appointed researcher at Osaka University Graduate School, Senior Assistant Professor Dalian University in China in 2014, and research at the Kyushu University Museum, he assumed his current position in 2020.

WHAT ARE 17GOALS OF SDGs? SDGsとは、「Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」の略称であり、2030年までに達成すべき17の目標を掲げています。

歴史や文化を道標に、世界の“いま”を知り、行動する 各国地域の社会や自然環境は、経済や戦争、災害などに翻弄されやすく、SDGsに共通した課題が多くあります。永井ゼミでは、ゼミ生の提案により途上国の児童に給食を寄付する取り組みや途上国の文化・歴史を調べて現状を訴える展示を、すべてゼミ生主体で行いました。


Nagai's seminar conducted a TABLE FOR TWO (commonly known as TFT) activity at the cafeteria on Hachioji Campus. A panel summarizing the culture and economic situation of Kenya, one of the donor countries, was also exhibited.


All these activities are carried out mainly by seminar students. This is because Professor Nagai wanted us to accurately understand the value and meaning of TFT activities based on the historical background, why we cannot provide school lunches without receiving donations.


Professor Nagai specializes in environmental history, with a particular focus on the northeast region of China. During a short-term study abroad in Shanxi Province, he witnessed with his own eyes how the historically rich forest area had turned into a desert to the point where even weeds could not grow. Unraveling history reveals that in the northeastern region of China, a huge amount of timber was used during the Russo-Japanese War and the opening of the South Manchurian Railway. Knowing history helps us understand the current situation.


In addition, in developing countries, the economic structure of the colonial period remains, and there is a situation where there is no choice but to grow a single crop as a raw material supply area. However, it is not uncommon for villages to suddenly fall into famine if crops do not grow due to disasters or conflicts. How developing countries can create an independent future in the global economy is a global issue.


Considering the historical background, we can see that the base of the SDGs is extremely complex. By knowing this history and structure, it is possible that in the future, the students who implemented the project will get a job at an international company that seriously tackles the SDGs, or become an entrepreneur who tackles social issues. The first step in contributing to the realization of the SDGs is for students to open up a new future.