Teikyo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor Environmental Health Laboratory
Hideki Yamamoto
Completed the Graduate School of Public Health, Harvard University in 1994. While working at Okayama University, he is also the secretary general and deputy representative of AMDA (Asian Doctors Liaison Council). In 2011, he became a Professor at Teikyo University with the establishment of the Graduate School of Public Health. From 2020, aim to train pharmacists who are active in the current position and in the local community.
Japan is one of the world's top level in terms of life expectancy and low infant mortality rate, which are indicators of public health. Even with the new Corona, the high level of public health in Japan was highlighted.
After World War II, the health care system was inadequate. Local residents played roles in health improvement, livelihood improvement, and nutrition improvement in the local community, and raised awareness of public health activities at public halls.
Japan's public health has dramatically improved by developing "fly-free town development," "living improvement," and "salt reduction campaign." Made the current high level base.
In 2014, a UNESCO-sponsored World Public Hall Conference was held in Okayama City. This social education and community center system has the potential to make a significant contribution to solving new social issues.
UNESCO has created a place (CLC) mainly for the purpose of learning literacy and improving lives for adults, using the Japanese public hall as a model, and has been expanding it in Asian countries since the 1990s.
Itabashi Ward, where Teikyo University is located, is within the top 10 in the SDGs national municipality ranking (No. 1 in Tokyo!). Since it is an area where social education activities are active, it is possible to show a great presence by building advanced examples of public health and community social education in collaboration with the community and universities.