Study Abroad Experiences
Study Abroad Experiences


Study Abroad in Durham Teikyo University of Japan in Durham at Durham University (UK)
Faculty/Department: Faculty Faculty of Economics Department of Business Administration
Year of study abroad: 2nd year (as of 2023)

There are many worlds in this world that you will never see unless you take the first step. Studying abroad was full of such worlds. Everything was completely different. I learned about many cultures, friendships, and history in a completely new environment, and every day was full of fun. My language skills were poor. Although I was hesitant, I took the first step in many things with my poor English, wanting to enjoy this rare opportunity. Then, I made friends, had more international exchanges, learned about good shops and interesting knowledge, and the world I had seen before suddenly became colorful. It's okay to not be confident in your language skills. That's why you go abroad to acquire those skills. Once you take the first step, the best world is sure to be waiting for you!


Exchange Program University of Orleans (France)
Undergraduate Department: Faculty of Language Studies Department of Language Studies
Year of study: 2nd year (as of 2023)

I have grown a lot during my second semester as an exchange student, and after the GCP students (all exchange students at Faculty of Language Studies Department of Language Studies) returned home, I was able to interact more with students from other countries and universities in Japan, which helped me improve my language skills and relationships with others. At language schools, you have classes with students from many different countries, so if you had been taking classes in Japan, you might have ended the class without being able to speak up even once. By actively participating in class, you will naturally improve your language skills. After arriving at your destination, you will take a test to determine your class, so there was never a time when I didn't understand the content of the class at all. There is also a Japanese language department there, so there were times when we taught each other.


Short-term Training College of the Rockies (Canada)
Faculty/Department: Faculty Faculty of Law Department of Law
Year of study abroad: 2nd year (as of 2023)

What I think was the best experience for me was the difference in culture and values. The more I enjoyed thinking, "Why do things like this in Japan and how do they like this in Canada?", the faster time passed, and the three weeks passed in the blink of an eye. Also, since Japanese was not spoken in the place, I had to do it on my own, but when I tried, I found it easy to communicate, and through studying abroad, I felt like I could try anything.