While it goes without saying that this is a place where you’ll acquire specialized knowledge, you’ll also be introduced to
social contribution activities and community partnerships undertaken by the university while
constantly cooperating with local communities, companies, and other institutions of learning to ensure that we continue to have
campuses that are characterized by openness.
The university is actively engaged in Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration. This involves universities, companies, governments and local governments cooperating with each other to carry out business projects. It is through these activities that we contribute to local communities and give students the opportunity to gain more experience in society as they prepare for their futures.
The university has six medical bases found throughout the Kanto region. Each hospital is equipped with the latest equipment and advanced medical technologies, allowing us to achieve treatment systems that are tailored to each patient. Meanwhile, we also provide services entailing close involvement with local communities through institutions such as osteopathic clinics and the Teikyo University Mental Health Center. We also actively dispatch medical teams to provide assistance during occurrences such as disasters.
Our university works in collaboration with the local communities where each campus is located. There are various activities undertaken in accordance with the characteristics of the respective area and the campus. Such activities include the renting out of university facilities, the holding of public lectures, various workshops, and events that children can enjoy. We will continue to be closely involved in local communities and do our part to help make them even better.
Learning changes dramatically when students move from high school to university. It is our hope that high school students learn more about what university has to offer, that they feel that university is more familiar to them, and that they take a step toward their own future. Our aim is to help them do this, which is why we are actively working on our high school partnership program.
We are also working to contribute to society through sports. Students and faculty members of clubs in the Physical Education Department hold joint practices and open up their classrooms to people in the local community to strengthen ties with the local community. We are also actively contributing to society in the realm of professional sports.
Endowed Chairs make effective use of donations received from the private sector, etc. to promote and enhance education and research at the university. In doing so, the goal is to go about ensuring speedy responses to the requirements of society and changes in conditions when it comes to the realm of academics, and at the same time contribute to the diversification of education and research frameworks.