Fostering good medical educators and researchers who will train the next generation of medical professionals
In the ever-transforming world of advanced medical care, it is important to have leaders who can train medical technicians will be effective as soon as they enter the field. At our school, we foster not only the high ethical standards and kindness necessary for medical professionals, but also advanced specialized knowledge and skills, leadership, and research abilities in order to nurture good medical educators and researchers who will guide and train the next generation of medical technicians.
About the Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology
We cultivate knowledge and skills required for medical professionals and educational researchers.
Educational Goals and Our Three Policies
In line with the School Philosophy, the Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology aims to meet the demands of society by developing medical specialists who can provide highly advanced medical care, as well as human resources with a strong humane disposition who can play leading roles in education and research.
At the Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology, students aim to obtain the following qualifications in a rich learning environment where they can acquire not only specialized knowledge and skills, but also the cultural education required to play an active role in society.
In modern medicine, the demand has grown for specialization in each field. We live in an era of team-based medicine, and employment options are expanding. Society is in great need of graduates, and because the university emphasizes practical learning, there are also high expectations for them to become professionals who are ready to work. After entering our program, students are expected to work actively on acquiring their own skills in the field under the supervision of an advising professor, but later, when working on research projects, they tend to delve deeper into the topic given by the advising professor. Naturally, a relationship forms between the two that is stronger than a typical relationship between a teacher and student. Students do not need to have any particular knowledge of the subject before they enroll. Studying at a desk can be done at any time. Instead, we want students to gain as much insight as they can by listening to their seniors and to patients, and by interacting with other departments. We welcome students who are able to approach their work proactively.
医療技術学研究科科長 滝川 一
Teaching Staff
Division of Orthoptics
Chief Department ProfessorTakao Hayashi
ProfessorKumiko Matsuoka
ProfessorToshifumi Mihashi
ProfessorChie Usui
ProfessorYuka Ikeda
Associate ProfessorHiroyuki Kaneko
Associate ProfessorMasakazu Hirota
准教授渡部 維
Senior Assistant ProfessorKyoko Oshika
Senior Assistant ProfessorKakeru Sasaki
講師中込 亮太
講師加藤 可奈子
Division of Nursing
専攻主任教授梶原 祥子
ProfessorMasako Minamikawa
ProfessorKyoko Yamasaki
ProfessorSatomi Hayashi
ProfessorNaoko Arai
ProfessorNobuko Sunami
教授鈴木 久美子
ProfessorSeitaro Teraoka
ProfessorYuko Miki
准教授石見 和世
Associate ProfessorKeiko Kurousu
Associate ProfessorYuka Takita
Associate ProfessorYouko Furuya
Senior Assistant ProfessorFumiko Ito
Senior Assistant ProfessorYuko Eguchi
Senior Assistant ProfessorAtsuko Okouchi
Senior Assistant ProfessorHaruhiko Hoshino
Division of Clinical Radiology
Chief Department ProfessorTakahide Okamoto
ProfessorHiroki Ohtani
教授神長 達郎
ProfessorJunichi Kotoku
ProfessorHironobu Tomita
Associate ProfessorTatsuru Ota
准教授小島 慎也
Senior Assistant ProfessorNoriyo Yokotsuka
Senior Assistant ProfessorTatsuya Hayashi
講師伊東 利宗
Division of Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Chief Department ProfessorHajime Takikawa
ProfessorJun Ooi
ProfessorKazuo Goto
ProfessorKoichi Suzuki
ProfessorMakoto Mochizuki
教授藤原 孝記
additional post ProfessorRui Kano
Adjunct ProfessorKoichi Makimura
Associate ProfessorTeruko Fukuda
Associate ProfessorMitsuru Matsumura
Associate ProfessorTaeko Sakuma
Associate ProfessorRieko Mashiyama
准教授崎原 ことえ
Associate ProfessorMari Goto
准教授赤間 剛
Senior Assistant ProfessorTakahiro Kameda
Senior Assistant ProfessorKana Miyata
additional post Senior Assistant ProfessorAtsushi Miyashita