Department of Human Cultures
There are various qualifications that can be obtained, such as a teacher's license and a camp instructor.
Student can acquire qualifications that suit each student's purpose.
- Teaching License: Junior high school teacher (English)
- Qualification for examination for Coaching Assistant
- Eligibility to take the GFI (Aerobic Dance Exercise Instructor)
- Camp instructor exam qualification
- * If you wish to obtain two or more qualifications (including a teaching license), it may take more than two years depending on timetables, etc.
(As of May 2024)
Department of Contemporary Business
For students who aim to acquire qualifications, we have a support system centered on classes. Without the restrictions of the industry or field, students can acquire qualifications that suit each student's purpose.
- Teaching License: Junior high school teacher (Society)
- Qualification for examination for Coaching Assistant
- Camp instructor exam qualification
- * If you wish to obtain two or more qualifications (including a teaching license), it may take more than two years depending on timetables, etc.
(As of May 2024)
Qualifications students can aim for with extracurricular courses
- English conversation course
- TOEIC® L&R TEST Course
- Bookkeeping test Course <Grade2 and Grade3>
- MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Course <Word> <Excel> <Power Point>
- Information Technology Passport
- Real Estate Notary Course
- Travel Service Supervisor Course <Domestic / General>
- Secretarial Skills Test Course <Grade2>
- Web design skill test <Grade3>
- Basic information engineer course
- Athlete Food Meister Course (Level 3)
- Manners and Protocol Certification Course (Level 2)
- * Courses offered are subject to change.
(As of April 2024)