Learning Environment / Learning Support
Learning Environment and Learning Support

A top-notch learning environment with top-notch amenities and an online learning support system.

The school offers a rich learning environment with access to Teikyo University facilities, which include a calligraphy lab, individual study rooms for math, science, and English, and a library with media equipment. The school also offers a sophisticated learning support system that gives students access to e-One's Way Chart and the LMS, an innovative Internet-based learning system, which they can use to distribute materials, turn in assignments, take quizzes, manage their own activity records, and communicate with faculty members.

Utilize the facilities of Teikyo University


Teikyo University Media Library Center (MELIC)
MELIC is the academic information hub of Hachioji Campus. With a collection of over 850,000 books, PC stations for information searches and report writing, a university-wide reading promotion project called the "Co-Reading Library," and study support from senior students, it is a learning space where people and information come together and new ideas and knowledge are born.

Teikyo University Media Library Center (MELIC)


Teikyo Language Commons
The Language Commons opened in September 2016 as a comprehensive language learning support facility on the Hachioji Campus. This is where the Hachioji campus's language learning support functions are concentrated, not only for English but also for other languages. DVDs with English subtitles of foreign movies, dramas, and animations, ALC's e-learning system, and reference books for certification exams are readily available, and university faculty and resident staff can assist students with various preparatory studies for study abroad related to language learning as needed. The space provides conversation practice with native speakers, one-shot grammar classes, language-related events, and a stylish and comfortable environment in which to eat and drink while improving your language skills as a tool for cross-cultural exchange, whether studying alone or working on group assignments.


Research Institute of Calligraphy
The Research Institute of Calligraphy was founded in 1976 as a distinct center for humanities education and research at Teikyo University, and it is a very unique research institute even from a national standpoint. The institute has been operating the annual Teikyo University Calligraphy Exhibition as its main event since its inception, led by its first director, Prof. Kozan Tsuneki, and with the cooperation of the professors of Teikyo University's Department of Japanese Cultures (then the Department of Japanese Literature) of the Faculty of Liberal Arts. Unlike other university-affiliated calligraphy research institutes, our calligraphy research institute focuses on Japanese calligraphy and actively promotes education and research activities.

An online learning environment

LMS(Learning Management System)を活用した授業

Classes using LMS (Learning Management System)
The LMS is an online learning management system that enables teachers to submit quizzes, submit assignments, respond to student questions, and post materials used in class. The function for submitting assignments offers thorough feedback, and depending on the nature of the feedback, it is simple to edit the assignment and submit it again. Additionally, the gradebook allows you to always see your level of achievement. Users can retake the quiz as often as they like and can shuffle the questions, which makes it useful for knowledge-based learning content. The system is simple to use on smartphones and tablets, making it possible to learn while commuting to and from school or in your free time.


e-"One’s Way" Medical Record
Teikyo University Junior College's Educational Philosophy of "One's Own Way" is given tangible form by the e-One's Way Chart. Students are in charge of creating their own academic and career goals for the duration of their two-year studies and regularly monitoring their progress in their chart. Additionally, they can keep a record of information regarding the credentials they have obtained as well as specifics regarding their job-hunting activities. Students and the instructors who are in charge of the course can communicate via the e-One's Way Chart. Students can present assignment reports to faculty members for feedback, and faculty members can receive assignment reports from students and present them on their charts.

Utilizing e-learning
With the help of the Internet and personal computers, Teikyo University Junior College has actively promoted e-learning, and many academic staff members and students are already using it.

  • Class support system
    • For each class, teachers can set up a homepage where they can interact with the students, present course materials, assignments, tests, etc.
  • Teaching Course Chart System
    • The learning logs and self-evaluations of students enrolled in teaching courses are managed centrally, and the teachers in charge provide effective support by entering comments and other information.
  • English teaching material system
    • This system can be used as extracurricular materials for classes, materials for independent study, as preparation for entering a school, and as materials for English refresher courses.
  • Student chart system
    • Designed for Teikyo University Junior College students, this system allows faculty members in charge to effectively support students by filling out comments while centrally managing students' activity logs and self-evaluations for transfer, employment, and qualification acquisition.

Other support

Support for Students with Disabilities