
  • Social/Community Engagement

April 10, 2023

Fukuoka CampusEmpowering Youth Voices: University of Teikyo Fosters Civic Engagement with Fukuoka City

In a collaborative effort between the University of Teikyo's Fukuoka Campus and the city of Omuta, an insightful exchange of ideas took place on Friday, March 17, 2023. Omuta, in preparation for its comprehensive plan spanning from the fiscal year 2024 to 2033, sought to integrate the perspectives of its younger generation into its municipal governance. This led to the establishment of a dynamic forum, bringing together the city's administration and the university's students. During this engaging exchange, students shared their visions of what they would like their city to be like a decade from now. Their aspirations painted a picture of a city with robust transportation networks, an abundance of recreational spaces, and a strong sense of community. The initiative aimed to ensure that the voice of Omuta's youth is woven into the fabric of the city's future development.

Reflecting on their participation in the forum, students expressed appreciation for the rare opportunity to directly communicate their thoughts to the city officials. They highlighted how the experience was invaluable, allowing them to discover aspects of Omuta that were previously unknown to them. Students also remarked on how the event prompted them to reconsider their own ideals regarding the type of city they would like to reside in. The Fukuoka Campus of the University of Teikyo remains committed to actively engaging with the local community. This event stands as a testament to the university's dedication to fostering collaboration and promoting the active involvement of its students in shaping the future of the region. The fruitful exchange between Omuta's city administration and the university's youth underscores the value of such initiatives in building stronger, more connected communities.

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