
  • Education and Research

December 27, 2024

Professor Yamazaki received the 14th Area Studies Consortium Award for Social Collaboration

On Saturday, November 30, 2024, at the 2024 Consortium for Area Studies Annual Meeting held at the Institute for Southeast Asian Area Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Teikyo University Faculty of Language Studies Department of Language Studies Professor Naoya Yamazaki, President of the NPO Network of Researchers Supporting Taiwanese Education (SNET Taiwan), Japan, received the 14th Area Studies Consortium Award for Social Collaboration.

The Area Studies Consortium, established in 2004, is a new type of organizational collaboration (from the Consortium's website) consisting of research organizations, educational organizations, academic societies, and private organizations closely involved in area studies, all involved in the study of various regions of the world, and as of November 2023, 106 organizations are members. The Area Studies Consortium Award is intended to widely recognize research achievements and social collaboration activities that have made a significant contribution to achieving the organization's aims and goals, and the learning support activities based on the academic research results of Taiwan studies by SNET Taiwan, where Professor Yamazaki serves as representative director, were highly evaluated as a practice of social collaboration through area studies.

Launched in 2018, SNET Taiwan is a platform organization for Taiwan researchers that widely disseminates reliable Taiwan information based on academic research to society through sending researchers to school education sites, producing teaching materials such as the book guide "Taiwan Book Trip," planning and designing educational trips, collaborating with related institutions both in Japan and overseas, distributing YouTube videos, and the website "Everyone's Taiwan School Trip Navigation." Professor Yamazaki has served as one of the representative directors since the organization's launch, and we look forward to seeing him continue to play an active role in the future.

For more information about Professor Naoya Yamazaki, click here
For more information about SNET Taiwan, click here
For more information about the Area Studies Consortium Award, click here


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