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August 18, 2023

Fukuoka CampusTeikyo University Fosters Future Medical Minds at Academic Camp 2023

In a dynamic educational event, Teikyo University's Fukuoka Campus played host to the eagerly awaited Academic Camp 2023, a hands-on medical workshop tailored for high school students. The day-long event, guided by the esteemed faculty of the Department of Physical Therapy at the Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology University, provided an invaluable opportunity for participants to delve into the intriguing realm of medical science.
Guided by both accomplished instructors and current students, participants immersed themselves in a captivating exploration centered on the intricacies of "muscle activity during squat motion." Armed with cutting-edge medical equipment, including electromyography, these budding scientists meticulously gathered and analyzed data, each team culminating their efforts in a comprehensive summary of experimental results. The consensus among participants was unanimous – the event proved to be an enlightening experience, propelling them one step closer to their aspirations in the medical field. One attendee remarked, "I learned a lot, and it was one of the experiences that allowed me to get one step closer to my dream for the future." eikyo University extends heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to the success of Academic Camp 2023. The event not only ignited passion and curiosity but also nurtured the next generation of medical pioneers. With such initiatives, the future of healthcare stands poised for innovation and excellence.

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