
  • Research Activities

April 05, 2023

ACRO Awards 2023 Incubation Grants Move Forward

Teikyo University's Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization (hereinafter referred to as "ACRO") has announced the recipients of the 2023 Incubation Grants. These grants, designed to enhance the value of the valuable research seeds held by the university and apply their expertise to various social issues, embody the mission of the Advanced Research Organization. They aim to foster collaborative research in line with the organization's vision, leveraging the collective strength of our comprehensive university, and ultimately, to demonstrate the university's superiority through collaborative efforts.

In pursuit of these objectives, the organization's operating council conducted a thorough review of applicants, focusing on researchers from Teikyo University who presented posters at the "5th Research Exchange Symposium" held on August 29, 2022. As a result of the evaluation, the council decided to award 23 new projects for the fiscal year 2023. Additionally, considering the significant potential for further collaborative research development in previously awarded research topics, 52 projects were granted continued funding. The university anticipates the unfolding of exceptional collaborative research initiatives that are characteristic of Teikyo University's academic excellence.
We look forward to the development of excellent collaborative research unique to our university.

FY2023 Advanced Research Institute Incubation Grant (new/continued) recipients and research themes

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