
  • Social/Community Engagement

February 03, 2023

Hachioji CampusStudents Host Successful Online "Bunny Meeting" Event to Promote Community Interaction Through Art Activities. 

On November 26, 2022, students of Teikyo University's "Social Business Training" course hosted an online exchange event in collaboration with certified NPO Tamagawa Kusamura no Kai. The event, called "The 1st Bunny Meeting," aimed to promote interaction among participants through art activities. The "Social Business Training" course, taught by Associate Professor Yongsook Lee and Part-time Lecturer Hayato Kume of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Liberal Arts, aims to solve social issues through business and create new social value. Students collaborate with companies that operate social businesses in nearby areas such as Tachikawa City, Hachioji City, and Tama City, in order to cultivate human resources that can work in the local community.

During the online event, each participant drew a rabbit illustration on the spot based on an event they experienced in their daily lives. They then introduced the story behind the drawing, deepening their exchanges. After the event, the students and the Tamagusa Village Association collaborated to create commemorative goods using the illustrated rabbits. They held a "Second Rabbit Meeting" to finalize the design, resulting in a calendar featuring rabbit illustrations drawn during the online event for each month. The recipient would receive a uniquely designed cover with a large illustration of a rabbit drawn by the participant, making each calendar special. The design was well-received by many participants. The project successfully achieved its goal of promoting interaction among participants through art activities, contributing to the development of human resources that can work in the local community.

Click here for the certified NPO Tama Kusamura no Kai
Click here for the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Faculty of Liberal Arts

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