
  • Research Activities

October 18, 2022

Utsunomiya CampusCareer Education Lecture "Interesting Cetacean Studies: Evolution, Museums, and Humans"

On October 7, 2022 (Friday), Mr. Yoshihiro Tanaka, a graduate of the department, was invited as a Senior Assistant Professor at the elective course "Introduction to Medicine" for third-year students of the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Science and Engineering, held at the Utsunomiya Campus of Teikyo University. A career education lecture titled “Cetacean Science is Interesting – Evolution, Museums, and Humans” was held. After graduating from the department in 2006, Mr. Tanaka went on to graduate school at Hokkaido Graduate School to obtain a master's degree, and then went on to study at the University of Otago in New Zealand to obtain a doctorate. I am currently working as a researcher and curator in charge of vertebrate paleontology at the Osaka City Museum of Natural History.

On the day of the lecture, Mr. Tanaka started with topics familiar to students, such as lectures and club activities during his student days, graduation research, going on to Graduate School, and difficulties with English when studying abroad. A wide range of lectures were given on topics such as his work in the laboratory and new discoveries obtained from the analysis of whale fossils, which is his specialty. After the lecture, the students gathered around the replicas of whale bones and teeth brought by Mr. Tanaka, and the discussion was lively. In the future, the department will continue to create opportunities to interact with graduates who are active in society as a way to help students find what they want to do and increase their motivation to realize that path.

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